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If you are using a dating app to look for love this Valentine’s Day, a new study says 17{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} of people on dating apps have one of these.


A spouse or partner


17{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} of the people on dating apps already have a spouse or partner and 7{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} of them have already gotten a date from the app! That still leaves a lot of eligible, single people to chose from on dating apps but 17{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} is not an insignificant number. Have you ever encountered someone on a dating app who was already married or in a relationship? What apps have you had the best luck with?

– Dave O’Brien


Photo Credit: Voyagerix/ Thinkstock