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According to a new survey, 64{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} of people prefer to do this in the morning and take an average of 9 minutes and 15 seconds to do it.


Take a shower


64{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} of people take showers in the morning while the rest take them the night before or just skip them altogether. Believe it or not, scientists say taking a shower at night makes more sense because it can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The average man takes 9 minutes in the shower while the average woman takes nine and a half minutes. I am a morning shower person and probably clock in around 7 or 8 minutes. Which do you prefer?

– Dave O’Brien


Photo Credit: Comstock-Images/ Thinkstock