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According to a new study, doing this for 50 minutes in the middle of the day can lower your blood pressure by 4{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40}.


Taking a nap


Taking a nap for just under an hour in the middle of the day can lower blood pressure by almost the same amount as cutting back on salt or getting more exercise. Yesterday was National Napping Day (whatever that is) and doctors in this study say taking a nap can be healthy. They warn that this was just one small study and you should not substitute napping for other healthy lifestyle changes but it looks like there could definitely be benefits to napping. I am not a good napper, even though I get up at 3:45 a.m.  Do you take naps?

– Dave O’Brien