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Riley Green

Source: Riley Green / Instagram

Hold onto your undergarments, folks, because things got downright wild at Riley Green’s recent concert in Evansville, Indiana. Move over, Mardi Gras, because this ain’t your average gig – it’s a bra-throwing bonanza!

Riley Green, country heartthrob, strumming his guitar and belting out tunes at the Ford Center. But wait, what’s that flying through the air? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope, it’s a barrage of bras hurtling toward the stage like Cupid’s own artillery.


Source: Gildan / Instagram

“Indiana, y’all sure know how to party.” – Riley  Green

Now, we’re not saying every single lady in the Hoosier State decided to go commando up top that night, but let’s just say the spirit of freedom was alive and well in Evansville.

In a viral TikTok clip, you can witness the lingerie onslaught firsthand. One brave bra takes flight, aiming straight for Riley as he croons “Dixieland Delight.” But that’s not all – watch closely, and you’ll see Riley nearly take a tumble over the mammoth undergarment. Talk about dodging a bullet – or in this case, a bra.

But fear not, for Riley’s trusty guitar player comes to the rescue, scooping up stray bras like a knight collecting his fallen armor. It was raining lingerie up there, folks.


Riley, being the good sport he is, took it all in stride. I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy a shower of bras mid-performance? His Instagram post says it all: “Indiana, y’all sure know how to party.” And let’s give a shoutout to his photographer for capturing the moment – that first snap is destined for the history books.

But the real MVP of the night? Whoever had the audacity to launch their pasty onto the stage. Now that’s commitment – talk about thinking outside the bra! (Check out pic #4 for the full effect.)

When you’re as dreamy as Riley Green, it seems bras are just part of the job description. So here’s to Evansville, the city where bras fly free and country stars reign supreme. And who knows, maybe next time, they’ll throw in some cowboy hats for good measure. Yee-haw!