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According to a new study, a record 4.4{a18c87a46add82dbee5e4fa4c0cab30d5f6e3bbf78c3f52c3c01413f7f531a16} of Americans over the age of 85 still have one of these.


A job


4.4{a18c87a46add82dbee5e4fa4c0cab30d5f6e3bbf78c3f52c3c01413f7f531a16} of Americans over the age of 85 are still working a job. That’s up from 2.6{a18c87a46add82dbee5e4fa4c0cab30d5f6e3bbf78c3f52c3c01413f7f531a16} back in 2006 and it’s the highest number in history. Many older Americans work for the activity and interaction but there are some that are working for the income. Older Americans tend to have the kinds of jobs you would expect like crossing guard or store greeter but there are between 1000 and 3000 truck drivers over the age of 85! Not to generalize, but that seems a little scary! Do you know anyone over the age of 85 still working a job?

– Dave O’Brien