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According to a new study, for a healthy heart, you should do this for 6 to 8 hours every day.




The study found that people who sleep 6 to 8 hours every day (or, more typically at night) have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke. People who regularly sleep less than 6 hours a night have an 11{a18c87a46add82dbee5e4fa4c0cab30d5f6e3bbf78c3f52c3c01413f7f531a16} increase in risk and those who sleep for longer than 8 hours regularly have a 33{a18c87a46add82dbee5e4fa4c0cab30d5f6e3bbf78c3f52c3c01413f7f531a16} increase in risk! More sleep is not necessarily good for you. Fake news! I don’t believe it! I sleep about 6 to 6 and 1/2 hours every night so I guess I’m good but I sure wish I could sleep more. How long do you sleep each night?

– Dave O’Brien