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According to a new survey, 78{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} of the people who have not yet done this, plan to do it this weekend.


Take down Christmas decorations


Most people plan to take down their Christmas decorations this weekend. About 14{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} plan to keep them up one more week, another 6{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} say they’ll take them down by the end of the month and 1.8{f08af400499f49ebebec43b71545de24d0cbb35d14a8bc084edd71717d793f40} of people say they like to keep their decorations up year-round. I plan to take mine down on Sunday and the weather this weekend will be perfect for working outside. How about you? Are the decorations still up? When do you plan to take them down?

– Dave O’Brien


Photo Credit: karandaev/ Thinkstock